This month's tip


If you have arthritis, the thought of starting an exercise program while experiencing pain, stiffness and fatigue can be extremely daunting.

It can be easy to get discouraged, particularly of your arthritis is sever. However, exercise is a vital part of an effective self-management plan. Studies show regular and appropriate physical activity helps improve pain tolerance, mood and quality of life for people with arthritis.

Exercises can help you:

  • reduce joint pain and stiffness
  • increase flexibility and range of movement
  • build stronger and healthier muscles, bones and cartilage
  • reduce the risk of dangerous falls
  • improve your posture
Your physiotherapist can guide you through exercises which are appropriate to you and help you to manage your arthritis related symptoms.

This month's tip

20 REASONS TO EXERCISE When your physiotherapist suggests some exercise would be good for you, have you ever stopped to think why? Consider no longer, listed below are the many benefits gained by some regular exercise 1. Reduces your risk of getting heart disease 2. Increases circulating levels of ‘good’ cholesterol 3. Improves the likelihood […]

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