This month's tip

“You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing, so keep moving and have fun!”
 To feel good emotionally and physically we need to move. But there are some factors that restrict movement, leading to a number health problems. The media has put a lot of attention recently on movement (or lack of movement) related issues, including; New Zealand’s growing obesity issue, an ever increasing need for elective surgeries, and even the negative health impact of prolonged sitting periods. Physiotherapists specialise in keeping you moving, especially when conditions make it difficult. So this year for World Physiotherapy Day, we are encouraging people to move in any way they can, in a bid to combat inactivity and the issues it brings.

This month's tip

Arthritis If you have arthritis, the thought of starting an exercise program while experiencing pain, stiffness and fatigue can be extremely daunting. It can be easy to get discouraged, particularly of your arthritis is sever. However, exercise is a vital part of an effective self-management plan. Studies show regular and appropriate physical activity helps improve pain tolerance, […]

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