Physio Tip – Back Pain

Over 80% of New Zealanders will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime. If you’re one of them, then you’ll know what a struggle it can be. Back pain can impact on your work, sleeping patterns and your general ability to keep moving and enjoy life.
For minor back pain the sooner you get back to being active the better – gone are the days where bed rest for weeks was recommended. In fact, research clearly demonstrates that staying active can help reduce your pain and shorten recovery time in most cases. 
Your physio will identify the factors contributing to your specific back problem and will design a treatment plan and management programme just right for you. They’ll also check if any underlying health conditions could be contributing to your back pain. 
Their aim will be to get you back to full movement and enjoying life again.


This month's tip

Exercise is the best Medicine “Physical inactivity can kill you. And World Health [Organisation] data in 2010 indicated that more people died from physical inactivity than from smoking”, saysGreg Anson, head of the Department of Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Auckland. “Physical activity is an essential part of living well.” As well […]

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