Proactive & dynamic physiotherapy

Our aim at Advanced Rehab is to help you maintain your current health, or if you are currently physically or functionally impaired, help you recover your health. This includes:

  • relief of pain
  • restoring range of motion
  • increasing strength and endurance
  • repair of injured area and prevention of recurrences

General physiotherapy services

Visit either our Blockhouse Bay or Ponsonby physio clinic and one of our team of qualified physiotherapists will spend time diagnosing your current health, providing coping strategies for now, and giving solutions to ensure good health into the future.

To ensure your health we use a holistic approach to your physio treatment including:

  • soft tissue massage and techniques
  • massage therapy
  • muscle balance assessment
  • spinal mobilisation manipulation
  • electrotherapy
  • sports strapping, and
  • specialist training programmes

Massage therapy

Many of us have had a massage and know how good it feels. Done properly remedial or sports massage has healing properties. The benefits include:

  • relaxation and release from stress and soreness
  • more rapid recovery from fatigue
  • increase blood flow
  • increases mobility and joint flexibility
  • reduction in muscle tension and muscle aches

To contact Advanced Rehab for an appointment or enquiry click here

Brief price list

Initial ACC           $40 per session
Follow up ACC           $20 per session
Private Physiotherapy charge           $60 per session
Complex rehabilitation Assessment           $120 per session
Massage           $50 Half hour
$95.00 Hour

To contact Advanced Rehab for an appointment or enquiry click here


This month's tip

Reduce your risk of falls with your Physio Falls are a significant cause of injury for all age groups. People who have experienced a serious fall can worry so much about falling again that they restrict their activity. They gradually do less activity, which can actually increase their risk of falling. Leg muscle weakness and impaired […]

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